Friday, October 8, 2010

Back to Your arms again..

Dear God,

Sorry if I have been rebelling against You these past few days. Sorry for being so hypocrite, so pretentious. I've been telling myself and everybody that I am okay, I'm doing great when the truth is.. I AM NOT!

I submit because I have to. I do things because I have no choice. My motives are wrong and my heart's not right. I am broken inside.. probably, that is why my disciples are also struggling. I've been so tired that I stopped working because I had wrong expectations to meet. I grew weary because I did not trust You fully. I've been very busy building a bold front to cover up the mess inside of me but no matter how hard I try, I couldn't hide from you Oh Lord!

Now, all I want is to be fixed. I want to be freed from the lies of the enemy which trapped me. I may not be deserving of the promises You have given me today, I don't care! Because I never was! This is all because of Your grace.. Restore my identity Lord..

Father, teach me how to faithfully obey You.. Hold me more tightly this time, I'm afraid I'm losing my grip again.. Set my heart right Oh, Lord.. I want to work for Your glory, again.. I want my compassion for the lost to be back. Fan my fire into flame Oh, Jesus..

Lastly, give me a heart that is always hungry to follow up Your people, Father.. Make me a good consolidator Lord. Teach me how to be firm and not to easily give up on your flock. Remind me all the time Oh, Lord that I was once like them. Show me Your ways Father for I want to follow You.. Make me the Yanny that You want me to be.. I am willing, Lord.. I submit myself to You again.. Be the Lord of my life. I love You, Dad.. and I missed you.. :((

Desperately seeking You,

MESSAGE: "No matter what you have done, I am still the LORD your God, and I will never completely reject you or become absolutely disgusted with you there in the land of your enemies." -Leviticus 26:44 [CEV]

PROMISES: "4and I will send rain to make your crops grow and your trees produce fruit. 5Your harvest of grain and grapes will be so abundant, that you won't know what to do with it all. You will eat and be satisfied, and you will live in safety. 6I will bless your country with peace, and you will rest without fear. I will wipe out the dangerous animals and protect you from enemy attacks. 7You will chase and destroy your enemies, 8even if there are only five of you and a hundred of them, or only a hundred of you and ten thousand of them. 9I will treat you with such kindness that your nation will grow strong, and I will also keep my promises to you.10Your barns will overflow with grain each year. 11I will live among you and never again look on you with disgust. 12I will walk with you--I will be your God, and you will be my people." -Leviticus 26:4-12 [CEV]

♥ A promise of multiplication:
Naknaks, we will grow more in Christ and we will bear fruits! Fruits that will last. Sorry pud diay nak for my shortcomings.. I'd like to make it up to you.. But nak, please believe in yourself, too.. Tabangay ta ani nak. Lab kaau ta mo! :]

♥♥ More souls will be blessed and become desirous of being consolidated, discipled and sent.

♥♥♥ For the network:
Restoration of broken relationships. Fixation of wounded hearts. Protection from the attacks of the enemy [persecutions, intimidation and temptations]. Despite our present number, the enemy couldn't stop us for God will be our strength! He will make us stronger, He'll live among us and walk with us! We will increase! Hoo! Tira tira CONQUerrORS! Confettiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :]

*** My, I'm looking forward to talk to you. I have so much more to say.. But this time, I just want to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU for everything. I'm so sorry for the bad.. :(

*** Guys, sorry if I've hurt you intentionally or unintentionally. Sorry if I have not been a good example to you in any way. Please help me put everything back to its proper place. Please be honest with me for I want to learn from you, too. I love you hurot!